In the name of scientific research, I am heading down to the Humane Society to adopt 2 kittens. I will then be heading to Sharper Image to pick up a second 'vibrator'. I will be busy the rest of the day maturbating.
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Cats are overpopulated anyway. The way I see it I'm doing the ASPCA a favor.
I killed one.
Hey Beav? If you use two vibrators, does it kill two kittens, or only one?
I like to think that every time I kill a kitten, god masturbates.
But, that's just me I guess.
I know, I am on the hell express.
Hmm very interesting question ladies.
In the name of scientific research, I am heading down to the Humane Society to adopt 2 kittens. I will then be heading to Sharper Image to pick up a second 'vibrator'. I will be busy the rest of the day maturbating.
I'll get back to you on this.....
Uh, what about sex involving masturbation???
Oooh, tough one, Jane! Maybe God just maims the kittens then, doesn't kill them?
Every time God masturbates, Kittens kill me.
Every time God masturbates a kitten, I kill myself.
Every time I kill myself masurbating with a kitten, I thank God.
Every time I masturbate God's kitten, I get killed.
I know what I'm about to type has nothing to do with any of the above but
that's a cute little kitten!
She's absolutely precious with that sad little face.
I have to leave your blog now because I'm actually cooing.
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