Saturday Afternoon Amusements…
It was windy and rainy in NY today and I was trying to think of something fun to do.
I like to go to museums.
I love art. Art, for me, is what makes life worth living. I love wandering around the Met. I can spend hours getting lost in Monet’s use of light or Cezanne’s use of color. I can stare at a piece from Van Gogh or Gauguin and imagine what it was like to live during that time and in those places.
But more than that, I like to walk around and talk in different accents and see if I can get total strangers to indulge in my boredom.
Sometimes I am a country girl from Mobile, Alabama:
"Do y'all have that sculpture of the nekkid man by that Mr. Angelo fella here?”
“You mean Michelangelo’s David? No, ma’am, that sculpture is in Florence.”
“Huh. Florence you say? Now, is that on the Upper East Side or in Midtown?”
“It’s in Italy, ma’am.”
“Oh, ok, Little Italy, got it!”
Sometimes I am the deaf girl who grunts and points to her genitals while doing the pee-pee dance. When no one seems to understand what I am grunting about, I pull down my pants and defecate on the museum floor using my ‘complimentary’ brochure as toilet paper. I save that one for after I look at all the art I came to see, since I am usually escorted out soon after.
Sometimes I pretend I am an aristocrat. I dress up, wear a tiara and throw on a heavy Euro-trash accent and insist they sell me the Renoir, and when they tell me it isn’t for sale I get all huffy, make a scene and storm out.
Today I was from England. I approached a staff member and asked him where the “loos” were.
He in turn asked me where I was a British accent.
Shit. Busted...Or am I?
“Oxfordshire” I replied.
“Hmm…” he began “Funny thing, I happen to be from Oxfordshire and you don’t sound a bit like you are from there."
"Well, I think I know where I am from and I am from Oxfordshire.You, dear sir, however do not sound like you are from Oxfordshire, you sound more like Kent Surry, the dodgy end.”
He just looked at me.
“Right, well…" I began "Anyway, if you’ll excuse me, must go, need to use the loo. Pip Pip and Cherri-o, mate!”
Bastard. Had to ruin it for me. Fucking British are so uptight, they have no sense of humor. Not to mention bad teeth. Guess it's time to move on to the Guggenheim...
Just think Beav--if you dried that poo and saved it a few years, you could probably sell it back to that museum as art.
Well, you did OK saying you were from Oxford, as it's generally the easiest accent to fake for Americans, but who woulda thunk some British upstart is working in that museum? Spoilsport, that's what he is. We should force him to buy you a fucking lorry full of P&G Tips!
fucking blogger....
Apache, well I guess that's why he works at a fast food place hah!!
Leave Your Hat On--Do you know how HORNY I am right now??
That fucking song, everytime I hear it I think about 9 1/2 weeks the SEXIEST movie EVER and the scene where Kim Basinger is stripping for Mickey Rourke (so hot back then)
I use that to seduce every guy I get with.
Shit and now you throw CORNDOGS into the mix?!?!
Are you trying to give me a heartattack???
I have to go flick my bean, I'm waaaayyy too excited....
Be back later.
Somebody recently told me that Madonna was not English but rather was born near "Get this" Detroit Michigan!
I of course had to take issue because Madonna's cultured dulcet tones are obviously the result of years of overly strict British Boarding schools with lots of nasty pillowfights and the occaisional game of "Guess which boys are buggering each other" and in no way could her wonderful lilting tones be coming out of a mouth that used to wear 99 cent lip gloss bought at a gas station store in Detroit. It just couldn't be possible.
J--I love England, my best friend lives there, but the women there are some of the coldest in the world, god damn, how do guys get laid out there? Those broads are so uptight...
And,Good morning Father, so nice of you to join us. Amen and shit.
Anastasia, when asking how guys get laid in England with all those cold women you also have to look at the statistics of England having the highest rate of female binge drinking in the world. Question answered, there is a whole lotta sloppy drunk sex there.
Anastasia, when asking how guys get laid in England with all those cold women you also have to look at the statistics of England having the highest rate of female binge drinking in the world. Question answered, there is a whole lotta sloppy drunk sex there.
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