Monday, October 23, 2006

Are You Kidding Me?


RE: The Madonna Adoption stuff - You and your little friends at Superficial need to top talking shit about black people. You think you're nice and safe hiding behind anonymous screen names talking shit, but if you were real, you'd walk up to a black person and say that stuff in their face. See what would happen to you. You and all your little racist friends need to cut that shit out or stop being punk bitches and say that in the face of a black person and see how they set you straight. Now take my message and share it with the rest of the prejudice people at that site. Racist fuck.
The Stool Pigeon

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Tell on a cheating girlfriend, rude co-worker, your friends or anyone just for fun. Try it now below.

Dear Stool Pigeon,

I am not prejudice against black people.

I am prejudice against all people. And some farm animals.

If you cared to check your facts, you would see I make fun of everyone. Including myself.

I assumed you were black from your hatemail to me. But then I realized, its far well to written to be a black person writing it. If you were black it would have went more like; “Yo, biz-nich Im'a stop by yo' crib tonight, after I finish my crack deals and pimpin' my hiz-oes, and bust a cap in yo' cracker ass, ya' heard?!”

Stereotypes exist for a reason—because they hold, at least some, truth.

Case in point:

1. Jews ARE cheap.
2. Indians DO smell like curry.
3. Blacks like to fuck and have A LOT of kids.
4. Almost ALL serial killers are white males.
5. Women DO drive like shit.
6. Asians DO take their cameras everywhere.
7. Guineas ARE in the mafia.
8. Mexicans ARE dishwashers/roofers/landscapers.
9. Puerto Ricans WILL cut you.
10. Rednecks DO sleep with their sisters.
11. Gays DO spread AIDS.
12. British people DO have fucked up teeth.
13. Catholic priests DO like sex with little boys.

What nationality am I? I am:

German—and yes, I like to get shit on during sex.
Russian—and yes, I have used criminal methods to achieve my riches.
Irish—and yes, I am a drunk.
Polish—and yes, I am fucking dumb as a rock.
Native American-and yes, I happen to enjoy the Village People. Especially the Injun.

Also, I have had a decent amount of bone inside me, being that I am a slut and all. And I certainly DO NOT cock-discriminate. My last boyfriend happened to be a sand jockey, oops, sorry I mean ‘Iranian.’

I did, in fact send your message to the rest of my 'racist' friends, to which they responded:

"It sounds like they are hiding behind a fake name as well, unless
blacks are naming their children after Pigeons."

"I think this poor fucker is just off his/her meds. Plus, if he/she ever saw the amount of harrassment AnnBeav takes for allegedly being jewish, he would know he sent his message to the wrong person.

"Why is it I envision "stoolie" with an afro and a black power hair pick?. Christ, I can't tell you how many fucking jokes I have to withstand for being Italian, Cuban and Irish. "

"You think I don't hear shit about being Italian. It's pretty funny they choose the name Stool Pigeon, considering stool is a piece of shit."

"I have many a black friend, and they say some of the most racist shit I've ever heard, and they laugh when I give it right back to them because they don't have their heads up their asses. This pigeon needs to pass a stool. Uptight asshole."

"Well I'm shaking in my shoes."

And I took the liberty of showing your email to my black roomate, who wanted me to tell you: "If you ARE black, you are REALLY bad at it, nigga."

Thanks for giving me material, tosser.


A. Beav.


Blogger Walrus Gumboot ate beaver...

"Under What nationality am I? I am:

You forgot JEW !!!

Ha! Ha! Beat you to that joke Ninj.

Excellent write up Beav.

8:20 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...

Crusing--Yeah cos, ya know, I'm like a 'fake' person behind the computer...or a robot.

Wally Boots--I see a Shit Pigeon hate email in your future....

8:31 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...

Unless by 'real' they meant 'keep it real?' I don't know...I don't speak jungle bunny ebonics....

8:58 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...


A Stool Pigeon wrote:
Someone has a secret to tell you about Anastasia Beaverhausen . Here's the secret..
RE: The email I sent you earlier - I read your stupid little response. Thought it was kind of funny. Made me laugh a little. You're still a racist fuck though and your friends are corny as hell. But thanks for the response.
The Stool Pigeon

This message was delivered from!
Tell on a cheating girlfriend, rude co-worker, your friends or anyone just for fun. Try it now below.


9:41 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous ate beaver...

I think it's Sarah-Jean's loyal little camperland buddies trying to 'get back at us' for showing world she's an ignorant fashion-challenged FBI-threatening asshat.

What ever happened to being 'nice?'


9:48 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger cockninja ate beaver...

Beav. Wow!!! This is some genius writing, as usual. And you thought buying a Slovak was going too far. Have I told you lately that I love you.

Forward: A 'Stool Pigeon' is a decoy or trap from Early French 'estale'. Stooling was decoying ducks or birds by the use of stools.

O.k. So we are a bunch of fucking birds. Fine. Whatever. About to be ensared by this piece of shit nigger. Bring it on Fuckball.

Wally: You totally fucking read my mind. Very impressive. Very impressive. And your grammar is looking very clean and crisp. I like that.

Zanna: Where have you been you fried chicken cookin' nigga momma? Did you read the post where I fantasized about you sliding up and down my pole?

Instantasshat: You are beginning to grow on me immensely. Meet me under the bleachers after school. Remember, if you say a word I'll slit your fucking throat!

Huggle Snuggle Wuggies,


10:13 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...

Z--I'm on Yahoo now where are you?! Put down the fried chicken, watermelon and grape soda!

Biatcho--Welcome. I have admired you on the Fish. I hear you are also a giant-sized woman from NY....

10:18 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger Walrus Gumboot ate beaver...

Where the hell is Stallion and Ferret. I'll tell ya.

Stallions out putting the moves on some hot babe.

Ferret is saving a damsel in distress from a Gorilla Monsoon looking dude in the Pizza Hut parking lot, where he and little Ferrette went for dinner.

And I'm here at my stupid computer.


11:00 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger Walrus Gumboot ate beaver...

P.S Welcome BACK Biatcho! You've got some s'plaining to do.

P.P.S. BeavAna, that Jew crack was for comedic effect and nothin' more.

P.P.P.S. Ninj, I've told you what you can do with my grammar and your ass?

11:06 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...

Wally Boots--no need for explanation, I unlike a certain Crap Bird, don't give a RATS ASS what is said about me. I'm all about fun...and orgasms....

11:23 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...


Z--I love this: "Why do you think honeydew is the money melon? Because when guys ask me, "honey do" you.....I say sure I do...for 50.00"

And also, sorry about the grape 'soda' comment. That was racist. I ordered me a black to teach me the correct way to speak ebonics, so it won;t happen again.....

12:00 AM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...

Really Stallion? Cool...I was thinking that you would get one for all the shit you give out on the Fish directed at the nigga's, coons, coloreds, porch monkey, jungle bunnies....ah shit I don't know what the politically correct term is for African Americans, I give up......

12:04 AM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...

Thats fucking hilarious. What a douche. I suppose RichPort on the Fish is a 'traitor' cos he makes fun of his own kind along with the white folk.....

12:21 AM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Angry Ferret Jones ate beaver...

I am with Anna, I pretty much fucking hate everybody, all the time.

There is only one group that I make fun of and discriminate against: OTHERS

I don't care what color you are, where your daddy was born, how much money you hav, etc. Odds are I am going to make fun of you, and there is probably a good goddamn reason.

Only thing worst than a racist is an ignorant racist. Dumb ass.

1:22 AM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Walrus Gumboot ate beaver...

Yeah RIF!!!!!!!!!!!

2:50 AM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Cambel ate beaver...

Siiigh, gays don't so much SPREAD AIDS as to gently drizzle it. Spreading it leaves too much on the butter knife which wastes all it's AIDSy goodness.

5:51 PM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...

Yo, B (and I mean that in the whitest way possible)--I yelled out "Biatcho!" in the middle of NY today, but all I got was a "Who is you calling a Bitch, honky!" from a black woman right before she side-swiped me with her gianormous ass.....

6:18 PM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...

I haven't worn a bra in years. No need with my little tiny barely there B's. I don't wear panites either, I like the way the fabric of my jeans tickles my clit until I orgasm..........ohhhh B-A-R-S......sorry, nevermind.

Anyway, we should hook up for a drink sometime...I'm gigantic too, we could go find some short geek type guys and bully them around...

6:40 PM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...

Yeah well, isn't everyone of 'average height' standing next to us??

6:48 PM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Angry Ferret Jones ate beaver...

Annabeav - I must see those cute little titties before I die.

Which could be tomorrow, because I am going to stop wearing me seatbelt.

So, please, bring them to me. And I shall lavish them with praise, and lotions, and yumminess.

10:06 PM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...

Ferret-- Do you have PG Tips at your house? If so, I will give you more than my tits.........

11:33 PM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Angry Ferret Jones ate beaver...

Yes, I have 17 bags left.

How are your knees?

1:41 AM, October 25, 2006  
Blogger Anastasia Beaverhausen ate beaver...


I'm cumming over now.............

10:32 AM, October 25, 2006  


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